Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Save Our Tigers

Please do watch this video!!! One day we will lose Tigers and will be just giving photographs to our coming generation. You know there are only 1411 left in India despite of the fact that there are 37 Tiger sanctuaries in India. 2009 was the worst year for tigers in India, with 86 deaths reported, only reported, how many are actually dead is not known...:(
As of now, we can only imagine of dinosaur and in future we will be just thinking of this beautiful creation of nature.
Please be aware, spread the message and join the ROAR!


Insignia said...

I watched this campaign and its so touching. The future generation hopefully wont be identifying a tiger on picture!!

Vrinda said...

thanx for visiting my blog..lovely blog with amazing photography...

Neha said...

I have seen this too...let's save out tigers!!!

Unknown said...

Yours is the 2nd blog in the blogs I follow that is promoting the "Save our Tiger" initiative. I m going to join this initiative as well.

FitFoodieMegha said...

Thanks Friend! I will be very pleased If we can spread the word and save our tigers! Please do blog about it and make people aware!

Helena said...

I feel so sad and hopeless knowing that we will eventually lose all our great mammals if the way of life on this planet doesn't change.

Sadia said...

It is indeed a shame that for the greed of some a whole species is at the danger of extinction.
Nice to hear that tigers in India are provided protection; and a just cause you are promoting!